Showing posts with label Disease. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disease. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blood fat disorder treatment without the drug

Disease hypercholesterolemia, also known as dyslipidemia, but commonly known magazines blood fat disorders (RLMM). This is a fairly common disease, is the fears of many people. RLMM the risk of many serious diseases such as atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, cerebral vascular accident ...

What is RLMM?

Cholesterol are two main types of cholesterol and triglycerides. RLMM the pathology has increased in the fat and reduce harmful fat composition beneficial for body protection. To be able to circulate in the body, cholesterol and triglyceride levels combined with a substance called low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high density (HDL) and very low density (VLDL). LDL and HDL cholesterol transport function, and functional VLDL transport triglyceride in the blood. Most, cholesterol in the body exists in the form associated with LDL (denoted as LDL-C), only about 1 / 4 to 1 / 3 in combination with HDL (HDL-C symbol). Too much LDL-C formation of arterial plaque, so basically it was also known as bad cholesterol. HDL-C is also beneficial for the body, it is against the atherosclerotic process by carrying excess cholesterol accumulation in the blood or liver, thus, HDL-C also called good cholesterol. The increase in blood triglyceride levels are too high also helped accelerate the process of atherosclerosis. In our bodies there is always a balance between the harm and protection. When calling RLMM mean increase and decrease harmful components beneficial ingredients to protect the body.

RLMM how harmful?

There are many factors that affect blood cholesterol levels. Many studies indicate RLMM world, while total cholesterol 240mg% higher than the risk of coronary heart disease increased 2-3 times. Bad cholesterol (LDL-C) in the blood increases the risk of myocardial infarction. Good cholesterol (HDL-C) in the blood if also lower risk of stroke and atherosclerosis. Triglyceride levels are also highest in patients with diabetes, the risk of atherosclerosis is higher.

If high bad cholesterol, good cholesterol is high but it is less worried that the high bad cholesterol good cholesterol is low. RLMM disease does not cause immediate harm, but harm in the long run is dangerous. Medicine has shown that, solving problems RLTM is necessary to limit complications of coronary artery, cerebrovascular and reduce mortality due to vascular complications.

Treatment and prevention

People with RLMM should not worry too much fear, panic immediately apply the treatment without the drug, including two basic things:

Abstinence in eating: Reduce eating saturated fats (animal fats, butter, coconut oil ...), if not absolute abstinence is to avoid eating more than 1 / 3 saturated fat in the daily demand. Reduced food substances that contain cholesterol such as animal organs (brain, oval, heart, liver ...). Particularly with egg yolk and poultry but also cholesterol, but also much more lecithin is a substance that regulates cholesterol metabolism in the body, so that would not necessarily diet can still eat 2-3 eggs a week. For overweight people, the need to reduce weight. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, drink green tea. Do not drink much alcohol, not smoking because it promotes atherosclerosis and increases bad cholesterol.

Exercise and sports: Need health file suit each person, each time trying to set for 30 - 45 minutes at a level not exceeding exertion, exercises regularly for at least 3 times a week. Sports Exercise will help increase the effects of the diet.

After application of non-drug treatments mentioned above in 4-6 months but still did not improve the situation RLMM, especially the bad cholesterol (LDL-C) are high, to use more cholesterol-lowering drugs . Drug, can be used as one of 4 treatment groups: statin, fibrat, niacin, or resin. When medication must be specified and monitored by doctors, because apart from cholesterol lowering effect, drugs that are contraindicated and can cause many side effects. Despite medication, the support treated with sensible eating and regular exercise is essential.