Sunday, May 8, 2011

To "love fire" is always burning

In married life, people always think they have "successfully completed the mission " without attention to the mistakes are very susceptible to, making sex life becomes in untuned - also an exciting and another found boring, boring.

Erroneous thoughts

Needless prelude: Many husbands just stroked his wife at the time of love, skip this step, saying ... "wasting time". For the impatient, it made no less a surprise to his wife and not inspiring prelude is seen as a gift for the couple before the "war", then why do you not given it to each other? Kisses, caressing ... will contribute significantly in bringing satisfaction in sex life!

Attitude of indifference, passive: Many wives think of sex, men should also maintain an active role ... she is just lying dormant and enjoyment. Many people try to suppress herself, she worries about his assessed her is not good. You should understand that anything needs a balance between giving and receiving. No man does not want his wife all excited together. Remember, the enthusiastic responses and respond as a way to express your love partner.

dependent on film inspiration: There are couples who can not start if it is not stimulating to watch a movie or use interesting toys for "love story". That is because they have so that they too dependent on them when applied regularly. This is very dangerous because you need to know that things like movies, toys ... just a catalyst, is spicy, sometimes added to the sex life more interesting and not "main dish" regularly for the couple.

Talking about each other's defects: The defect in the body of the spouses, the weakness in the "love story" ... should not be brought out to criticize the opponent. Those who are not psychologists, they would love to decry and compared with the other sex in front of husband / wife. This makes partnership "pride", feel offended or , inferiority. Since then sex life more than the strange and cold.

So clean: Cleanliness is nothing wrong but in the couple's sex,

excessive cleanliness is sometimes wrong. This usually occurs in females. Many women when her husband was very inspiring, she wanted to shower ... that her husband lost all interest. Or also women, after having sex just want clean, she wants her husband went to the bathroom together. This is a mistake by the body after "love" they need a rest, let your husband sit and relax his body.

Sexual life is always interesting

Adequate water supply to the body: Water is very important for the body in general, including in particular sex. Prior to "combat", the couple should drink enough to increase pleasure, lips and throat should avoid falling into the state dry.

Massage each other: Have you massage, you feel loved and stroked breathing incense aromatic breeze. So why not try both with each other massages. Please buy the oil, light candles and enjoy relaxing together. Wife can gently massage for her husband as abdomen, calf and back ... It is possible that a sex then or you may just enjoy the experience together comfortably relax but this will make love feel more closely couple more.

Creating the new: The new posture, the changes will break ... dispel the boredom and increases the inspiration for Love. Will make sex life more abundant, more experience and promises not less interesting that the couple love each other and more exciting.

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